
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Yes, It Totally Bugged Me

I was on the phone with my daughter this evening when the doorbell rang.  I debated on whether to answer the door as I wasn't expecting anyone and I didn't see a car in front of my house nor in the driveway.  But alas, I decided to open up and see who was there.
It was a pest control sales man toting a clipboard with photos of common bugs and pests.  I smiled and politely explained that I already had a pest control service.
"We can save you money," he insisted.
"Yes but I'm happy with my pest control service," I said.

"How much are you paying?" he asked, "About $45 a month?"

"No," I smiled. Talk about trying to bait me.  "Mine is not a monthly service," I said.  "They come certain months of the year when pests are more plentiful."

Yes, I know it's possibly cruel to not love all living creatures.  I try, but there's something about rats running across my backyard and ants in my enchiladas and spiders in my pots and pans that gives me the willies.  My coping mechanisms break down.  A personal weakness perhaps.
"We'll spray under the eaves and around the outside," he offered. 

"I really like my pest control company," I mentioned, again.  "I stayed home tonight for this nugget of excitement?" I thought as I pondered having missed yoga, a hike, and/or a trip to the local pub.  No, really, I stayed home because I was way too tired to venture out, and I have a busy week ahead.
Meanwhile, my daughter was still chatting with me, sort of, about life with her new puppy and new job. I was totally breaking my Offspring Imposed New Year's Resolution regarding cell phone usage. Only this time it was in favor of the unexpected pest control sales man rather than my daughter who I was talking with in the first place.
"You'll save money because we'll set you up on a quarterly plan for only $89 a visit," he smiled. Of course, being the quant-queen that I am, I quickly calculated that my rate for five visits from my pest control company sums to less than $89 x 4.  But I didn't volunteer that information, knowing this would prolong an already decayed conversation.
Plus ... let me just say that my pest control company (Guardian Pest Control) is the best and I'm not switching. They have saved me from pests untold (and told). They come whenever pest emergencies arise, and they have stepped up when other pest control companies have fallen short. They make extra service calls at no extra charge, and they're very polite and service oriented.  Given my dislike of certain pests, such as many pictured on this post, they are a critical component of my home maintenance system (do I have a system? no I wish I did though).

"No thank you," I said.

He finally got the hint that I was not going to be his next sale tonight, and thanked me for my time.
I shut the door and re-chatted with my daughter. I'd much rather hear about her puppy's new blingin' bejeweled name tag than competitive pest control services that really aren't.
"That guy really bugged you," she said.

"Yes," I admitted. "He totally bugged me."

"Ironic, isn't it?" she asked.

I couldn't have agreed more.  Sigh.

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